"Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life.
Don't be trapped by Dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become."
- Steve Jobs

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Fucking transport taxes

For every £10 spent on fuel, £8.50 is taken in tax.
The Treasury generates nearly £33 billion from drivers, but less than 5% is re-invested in roads,and no more than 20% in transport as a whole.
It is estimated that within 5 years, petrol will cost £7 per gallon.

£1.34 per mile to go on a motorway says Labour - if they do this are they going to abolish or cut the licence fee??? Shit, I won't be driving up North to see my parents anymore, won't be able to bloody afford it!

By the time I get my Elise I won't be able to bloody afford to run it. Country road taxes, workplace parking taxes, "owning a car in the city" taxes, "farting in your car" taxes, FFS I am SICK of being milked like a f*cking cash cow for this Goddam Government. £8.50 out of £10 spent on petrol goes direct to Brown, generating £33m income, and only 5% of it is reinvested in traffic and road schemes.

And meanwhile more airports are built and extended, more planes spew pollution into the atmosphere, and the flight companies don't get charged f*ck all in extra taxes. British families today are poorer than ever and more in debt than ever thanks to endless taxes. Then Labour bang on about economic growth, all the while throttling us and our cars and stopping us from going places, spending money and HELPING "economic growth".

And is ANYTHING being invested in alternative forms of transport using renewable energy??? You're having a f***ing laugh aren't you????

1 comment:

Mildred Ratched said...

As I read your entry, I came to realize more that regardless of where a person lives, the same issues effect each of us. I often wonder just how bad things have to get before people aggressively tackle all the world's problems together.