I saw this poem while visiting the 95th Bomb Group USAAF museum in Horham - it was in a book of "thank you" letters from a local school who had visited the base. Their teacher had asked them to write letters of thanks and a poem about what they had learned about WW2.
"I wish I was not on this plane, because I might not come back.
I wish I was back at home because I do not want to fight.
I wish the war would stop because people are dying.
I wish the bombs would miss because homes are being destroy (sic)."
What an incredible poem from such a young child - the name and age were not there but the writing told me it was a VERY young child. He /she wrote this poem after spending just one day visiting the museum, looking at the pictures, and hearing stories of the airmen who came to East Anglia over 60 years ago.
It applied to WW2 and also to today's wars. We should all take note.

Don't be trapped by Dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become."
- Steve Jobs
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
The 14 worst corporations in the world
Read this report then BOYCOTT!
It's amazing that we call ourselves a Civilized World and we trumpet our advancements in society and engineering etc etc, and yet there are still atrocities being committed in this world by some of the richest and most powerful people who HAVE the power to do GOOD with all their profits.... :o(
It's amazing that we call ourselves a Civilized World and we trumpet our advancements in society and engineering etc etc, and yet there are still atrocities being committed in this world by some of the richest and most powerful people who HAVE the power to do GOOD with all their profits.... :o(
Monday, July 17, 2006
Life and ruminations
Been a long time since I waffled about life, the universe etc on here....but on Sunday a display pilot from a nearby airfield crashed into the back garden of a house in my friend's village, and was killed instantly. My friend saw the crash from another old WW2 airfield as she stood on top of the old Control Tower. She saw the plane looping and turning and running through it's display, then she saw it spiral towards the earth, heard the engine cut out, then saw the black smoke on the horizon. Had that pilot struggled to steer away from the houses in his last moments of life on earth? In his terror of knowing what was about to happen, were his last thoughts of the innocent people below him?
How many times was this scene repeated over 60 years ago as American Airmen at that same WW2 control tower watched as their buddies in cripped flak-ridden B17s struggled to reach the runway but crashed and were incinerated alive - so close to home and safety.
Thinking about the unfortunatel pilot it was awful to think that on that lovely sunny warm day, he had woken up totally unaware that today would be his last day on earth. Eating his breakfast he will have talked about going for a flight, then maybe meeting his mates later on for a barbeque in the evening sun. He may have said bye to his family, expecting to see them later, and they won't have given it another thought - presuming that yes, they would see him later.
Every day we wake up could be our last day on earth, and we are blissfully unaware of that fact. Every day we wake up AT SOME POINT in the future may be the day earmarked for us to leave this earth - maybe in 20,30 or 40 years time, maybe in 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days? This day in 50 years time I may gasp my last breath as an old woman....I wonder what day it will be?
I like to think that every life decision we make sends us off into another parallell universe, made entirely from the consequences of that one life decision we made. That our lives are like huge trees with many branches, each branch representing our lives depending on what decisions we did or didn't make...so many different outcomes, situations, fortunes or misfortunes. Like the movie "Sliding Doors" where we can see the two lives Gwynneth Paltrow leads, depending on whether she missed or caught a tube train.
How I'd like to climb MY tree and follow some of those branches and see other lives I could have led. What if I'd stayed in Hull? Married a previous boyfriend? Never come to Norwich? Never got that job or bought that house? Where would I be now? Would I have a superfantastic life, or would I be trapped in a spiral of despair? If I'd left the house to drive down the motorway just 15 minutes later would I have been involved in that pile-up, would I be dead? If I'd taken that job instead of the other job I may have met a fantastic guy with pots of money who whisked me off to live a life of luxury? If things had worked out with my Australian ex would I be destined for a warm and sunny life Down-Under? I'd just love to see.
I can trace my lifes progress right back to when I first went on the internet, with my poxy little 56k modem. The internet definitely changed my life.....thru the internet I joined various karting forums, and met new friends....through those friends I met my Australian boyfriend and moved to Norwich to be nearer him....through him I was lucky enough to travel to Australia 4 times and do some fantastic scuba diving and jetskiing, and swimming with dolphins. Through coming to Norfolk I developed an interest in the 8th Air Force and WW2 aviation, and through that I started the swing dancing and met a whole new circle of friends, including my current bloke. Through meeting him I've travelled to America and had a dream flight on a B17 bomber
and met dozens of USAF veterans, a rare privelige.
Now I am secure here in Norwich with a great job and a house, and plenty to fill my days and good friends to fill them with.
What would my life be like had I never gone on the internet? Where would I be now?? And as I wake up tomorrow will it be my last day on earth? As I cycle to work will I see the car coming up behind me? When I see those that I care for should I always show that I care for and value them, just in case I never get that chance again?
We shoudl maybe all stop taking life for granted.....
How many times was this scene repeated over 60 years ago as American Airmen at that same WW2 control tower watched as their buddies in cripped flak-ridden B17s struggled to reach the runway but crashed and were incinerated alive - so close to home and safety.
Thinking about the unfortunatel pilot it was awful to think that on that lovely sunny warm day, he had woken up totally unaware that today would be his last day on earth. Eating his breakfast he will have talked about going for a flight, then maybe meeting his mates later on for a barbeque in the evening sun. He may have said bye to his family, expecting to see them later, and they won't have given it another thought - presuming that yes, they would see him later.
Every day we wake up could be our last day on earth, and we are blissfully unaware of that fact. Every day we wake up AT SOME POINT in the future may be the day earmarked for us to leave this earth - maybe in 20,30 or 40 years time, maybe in 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days? This day in 50 years time I may gasp my last breath as an old woman....I wonder what day it will be?
I like to think that every life decision we make sends us off into another parallell universe, made entirely from the consequences of that one life decision we made. That our lives are like huge trees with many branches, each branch representing our lives depending on what decisions we did or didn't make...so many different outcomes, situations, fortunes or misfortunes. Like the movie "Sliding Doors" where we can see the two lives Gwynneth Paltrow leads, depending on whether she missed or caught a tube train.
How I'd like to climb MY tree and follow some of those branches and see other lives I could have led. What if I'd stayed in Hull? Married a previous boyfriend? Never come to Norwich? Never got that job or bought that house? Where would I be now? Would I have a superfantastic life, or would I be trapped in a spiral of despair? If I'd left the house to drive down the motorway just 15 minutes later would I have been involved in that pile-up, would I be dead? If I'd taken that job instead of the other job I may have met a fantastic guy with pots of money who whisked me off to live a life of luxury? If things had worked out with my Australian ex would I be destined for a warm and sunny life Down-Under? I'd just love to see.
I can trace my lifes progress right back to when I first went on the internet, with my poxy little 56k modem. The internet definitely changed my life.....thru the internet I joined various karting forums, and met new friends....through those friends I met my Australian boyfriend and moved to Norwich to be nearer him....through him I was lucky enough to travel to Australia 4 times and do some fantastic scuba diving and jetskiing, and swimming with dolphins. Through coming to Norfolk I developed an interest in the 8th Air Force and WW2 aviation, and through that I started the swing dancing and met a whole new circle of friends, including my current bloke. Through meeting him I've travelled to America and had a dream flight on a B17 bomber
and met dozens of USAF veterans, a rare privelige.
Now I am secure here in Norwich with a great job and a house, and plenty to fill my days and good friends to fill them with.
What would my life be like had I never gone on the internet? Where would I be now?? And as I wake up tomorrow will it be my last day on earth? As I cycle to work will I see the car coming up behind me? When I see those that I care for should I always show that I care for and value them, just in case I never get that chance again?
We shoudl maybe all stop taking life for granted.....
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Can't even kiss a child now
This from the BBC News website:
A vicar has stepped down as a school governor after kissing a primary pupil on the cheek to congratulate her.
The Rev Alan Barrett, vicar of Tamworth, Staffordshire, kissed the girl in front of pupils and teachers because she had done well in maths. A church spokesman said a police inquiry found no offence had taken place, but the vicar was told to have no contact with the school. The current climate had tainted the innocent act with suspicion, he said.
An informal investigation conducted by the Archdeacon of Lichfield, the Venerable Chris Liley, found that formal disciplinary proceedings were not justified, the spokesman added. But the investigation did deem the vicar's behaviour as "inappropriate" and sought assurances from him that he would not do it again.
The diocesan spokesman said: "The conclusion that Mr Barrett had acted inappropriately is not a finding of guilt or negligence, but recognition that in today's climate, previously acceptable innocent behaviour is now subject to misunderstanding and suspicion.
"As the complaint and subsequent police investigation demonstrates, the simple act of a kiss on the cheek - a common greeting throughout the world - has potentially damaging consequences.
"The Bishop of Lichfield has written to the mother of the girl setting out the steps the diocese has taken and the conclusion of the investigation.
"He has explained that if the mother still feels that the conduct warrants a formal investigation she may lodge a formal complaint under the clergy discipline measure."
The spokesman added the diocese took child protection very seriously and had policies in place which all parishes were required to abide by.
Mr Barrett was not available for comment.
So now it's offensive to give a congratulatory kiss? I mean I can understand if it was a lingering lecherous kiss or if his hands were in the wrong place, or if he hugged her for too long etc etc but WTF???? What next? Banned from shaking hands incase it offends??? Banned from asking a woman to dance incase she thinks being held too close during a waltz is offensive????????????
A vicar has stepped down as a school governor after kissing a primary pupil on the cheek to congratulate her.
The Rev Alan Barrett, vicar of Tamworth, Staffordshire, kissed the girl in front of pupils and teachers because she had done well in maths. A church spokesman said a police inquiry found no offence had taken place, but the vicar was told to have no contact with the school. The current climate had tainted the innocent act with suspicion, he said.
An informal investigation conducted by the Archdeacon of Lichfield, the Venerable Chris Liley, found that formal disciplinary proceedings were not justified, the spokesman added. But the investigation did deem the vicar's behaviour as "inappropriate" and sought assurances from him that he would not do it again.
The diocesan spokesman said: "The conclusion that Mr Barrett had acted inappropriately is not a finding of guilt or negligence, but recognition that in today's climate, previously acceptable innocent behaviour is now subject to misunderstanding and suspicion.
"As the complaint and subsequent police investigation demonstrates, the simple act of a kiss on the cheek - a common greeting throughout the world - has potentially damaging consequences.
"The Bishop of Lichfield has written to the mother of the girl setting out the steps the diocese has taken and the conclusion of the investigation.
"He has explained that if the mother still feels that the conduct warrants a formal investigation she may lodge a formal complaint under the clergy discipline measure."
The spokesman added the diocese took child protection very seriously and had policies in place which all parishes were required to abide by.
Mr Barrett was not available for comment.
So now it's offensive to give a congratulatory kiss? I mean I can understand if it was a lingering lecherous kiss or if his hands were in the wrong place, or if he hugged her for too long etc etc but WTF???? What next? Banned from shaking hands incase it offends??? Banned from asking a woman to dance incase she thinks being held too close during a waltz is offensive????????????
Monday, July 03, 2006
Fortysomethings aargh!
I went to a fortieth birthday party on Saturday - friend of a friend....I won't go into too much detail in case one of the comes across this blog :-D But HELL it was scary!
I discovered I'm physically incapable of making chit-chat conversation with Fortysomething couples. It's SO BORING. Is that because they can't really be bothered to make chit-chat with you, since you are only sharing a few hours together at this party then would likely never meet again?
They talk about washing machines, their kids, their kids, their houses, their TV, their work their holidays, so-and-so who went into hospital for that Thing with her hand......I tried to feign interest but I just couldn't. I wondered what they USED to be like before age, "settling down", kids, and being 40+ did things to them.
Then they ask a bit about me, and thus follows: "Hi I'm Rache, I keep rats, sew fuzzy furniture for them to sleep in, like whiskey, am starting fencing classes soon, learning Arabic, hate kids and my ambition is to own a Lotus".
*cue tumbleweed* I think the horror of me keeping rats shuts them down then and there, and nothing else I say will redeem me in their eyes.
They probably didn't realise I'm 34 either I don't think, such was the lack of cellulite, stretch marks, and child-worrylines on my forehead. Maybe I was just unlucky to come across a particularly boring bunch of people. But when they got some drink down them and hit the dancefloor it was at once excruciating and at the same time car-crash viewing. Cue lots of fortysomethings trying to a) dance sexy, b) dance in time to the music, while all the men did what Billy Crystal once called "the white man's overbite".
I did manage to have a good natter with one woman about SatNav though, but her eyes were dead as she talked - just chit-chat, I'll never see her again, she's sitting there looking bored so I'll talk to her.
So as my friends creep nearer to 40 will I be faced with endless parties like this one? Aaargh I hope not!
I discovered I'm physically incapable of making chit-chat conversation with Fortysomething couples. It's SO BORING. Is that because they can't really be bothered to make chit-chat with you, since you are only sharing a few hours together at this party then would likely never meet again?
They talk about washing machines, their kids, their kids, their houses, their TV, their work their holidays, so-and-so who went into hospital for that Thing with her hand......I tried to feign interest but I just couldn't. I wondered what they USED to be like before age, "settling down", kids, and being 40+ did things to them.
Then they ask a bit about me, and thus follows: "Hi I'm Rache, I keep rats, sew fuzzy furniture for them to sleep in, like whiskey, am starting fencing classes soon, learning Arabic, hate kids and my ambition is to own a Lotus".
*cue tumbleweed* I think the horror of me keeping rats shuts them down then and there, and nothing else I say will redeem me in their eyes.
They probably didn't realise I'm 34 either I don't think, such was the lack of cellulite, stretch marks, and child-worrylines on my forehead. Maybe I was just unlucky to come across a particularly boring bunch of people. But when they got some drink down them and hit the dancefloor it was at once excruciating and at the same time car-crash viewing. Cue lots of fortysomethings trying to a) dance sexy, b) dance in time to the music, while all the men did what Billy Crystal once called "the white man's overbite".
I did manage to have a good natter with one woman about SatNav though, but her eyes were dead as she talked - just chit-chat, I'll never see her again, she's sitting there looking bored so I'll talk to her.
So as my friends creep nearer to 40 will I be faced with endless parties like this one? Aaargh I hope not!
Garden improvements
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