We raised £90 in just over an hour, got a great reception from the students, and loads of pictures were taken by Shaz, check them out HERE. I even had a marriage proposal from one rather keen student :D and I held a pool ball hostage until the players donated
Had to do the collection today as most of the students went home and there'd be no-one to collect from tomorrow!
Armour was MEGA COMFY, no chafing or nipping at all. However, I used a rechargeable battery in my ROM/FX and at the end of the outing I was sounding like a broken record, "R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-ROMFX ROMFX ROMFX ROMFX". Couldn't reach the switch to turn it off but thankfully it just died. So normal Duracell from now on I think. Fan was good and I didn't mist up either, even in the Union bar! Nobody had a pop at my American accent either
Points to note - need to aim blaster better for pictures, need to have a more "manly" stance too!! I'm glad I did it, as I was TERRIFIED and wanted to get over it before MEM in 2 weeks time. My entire digestive system liquefied and I was on the loo all morning before kitting up - and I couldn't find my Rescue Remedy either....