"Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life.
Don't be trapped by Dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become."
- Steve Jobs

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Can't even kiss a child now

This from the BBC News website:

A vicar has stepped down as a school governor after kissing a primary pupil on the cheek to congratulate her.

The Rev Alan Barrett, vicar of Tamworth, Staffordshire, kissed the girl in front of pupils and teachers because she had done well in maths. A church spokesman said a police inquiry found no offence had taken place, but the vicar was told to have no contact with the school. The current climate had tainted the innocent act with suspicion, he said.

An informal investigation conducted by the Archdeacon of Lichfield, the Venerable Chris Liley, found that formal disciplinary proceedings were not justified, the spokesman added. But the investigation did deem the vicar's behaviour as "inappropriate" and sought assurances from him that he would not do it again.

The diocesan spokesman said: "The conclusion that Mr Barrett had acted inappropriately is not a finding of guilt or negligence, but recognition that in today's climate, previously acceptable innocent behaviour is now subject to misunderstanding and suspicion.

"As the complaint and subsequent police investigation demonstrates, the simple act of a kiss on the cheek - a common greeting throughout the world - has potentially damaging consequences.

"The Bishop of Lichfield has written to the mother of the girl setting out the steps the diocese has taken and the conclusion of the investigation.

"He has explained that if the mother still feels that the conduct warrants a formal investigation she may lodge a formal complaint under the clergy discipline measure."

The spokesman added the diocese took child protection very seriously and had policies in place which all parishes were required to abide by.

Mr Barrett was not available for comment.


So now it's offensive to give a congratulatory kiss? I mean I can understand if it was a lingering lecherous kiss or if his hands were in the wrong place, or if he hugged her for too long etc etc but WTF???? What next? Banned from shaking hands incase it offends??? Banned from asking a woman to dance incase she thinks being held too close during a waltz is offensive????????????

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